February 27, 2022
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Campus will gather university students, faculty, staff, alumni, high school students, and businesses targeting university community into one platform and hence information, so they do not need to wander around multiple platforms.
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Current online platforms have poor UI/UX, do not verify users, do not manage community quality, and do not have the features students really want, so there is no online platform where all students of the university are successfully gathered. That is why companies targeting university students cannot effectively advertise their products directly to students although they heavily rely on university community, and universities cannot constantly and easily follow the opinions of the majority of students.
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Aren't you annoying that you have no place or have to download so many apps to ask questions, to find sublets, to get recommendations, or to do something directly to your university students?
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To gather students, Campus has multiple boards that have better UI/UX than existing services by adding filter, and features such as